Monday, June 30, 2008



You Cant Be Fit and Fat

The notion that all overweight people are sedentary, unfit and at
risk of developing health related diseases is simply not true.
Overweight and obese individuals who exercise regularly and
maintain good fitness levels do not have elevated mortality rates.
It has been shown that poor fitness is as good a predictor of dying
as other risk factors such as high cholesterol, high blood
pressure and diabetes.

Thursday, June 26, 2008



If You Didn’t Exercise When You Were Younger, It’s Too Late

This is a belief that many older people hold dear, but it is far from
the truth. Numerous studies have shown that exercise in older
people has vast benefits. These include slowing down the ageing
process by reducing the rate of muscle degeneration and decreasing
the risk of bone diseases such as osteoporosis.
In addition to this, one of the biggest risk factors for injury in
older people is falling over, through a controlled exercise program
involving strength and balance training, this risk can be significantly
reduced. But as with any exercise program regardless
of age and history it is recommended that a doctor is consulted
before the program is commenced.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Myth Busters #7


Exercising Is A Good Cure For A Hangover.

While it is true that alcohol is an energy source for your body.
That just sounds a bit too good to be true...and it is. The reason
alcohol can be an energy source is because when there is alcohol
in your system your body doesn’t like it! Alcohol is a toxin that
your body wants to get rid of A.S.A.P. so it burns it as energy. But
as well as a toxin alcohol is also a diuretic which causes the body
to loose more water than it takes on (the reason for all the toilet
stops after a few to many) this leads to your body becoming dehydrated.
The dehydration is the reason for the pounding headache
you get after a big night out. So next time your out remember
to drink plenty of water with your non water flavoured drinks.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Myth Busters #6

Myth Busters #6

If You Don’t Lose Weight There Is No Point To

It is quite common for people who don't see immediate weight loss results to give up on their exercise routine. What we need to remember is that exercise also has benefits that are not so visible. Exercise reduces the risk of developing diabetes and heart disease as well as proven psychological benefits such as depression an anxiety relief. So remember that although you may not be getting visible results the internal benefits of exercise are just as important to consider.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Myth Busters #5

Myth Busters #5


Your body needs fat for vital functioning. It can help slow down the ageing process by keeping skin, hair and nails maintained and also satisfies your hunger for longer. The main thing you have to strive to do is cut out bad fats (saturated fats) found in chocolate, fried foods, butter and processed meats and replace them with good fats (unsaturated fats) which you can find in nuts, seeds, olive oil, and avocados and can help reduce your risk of heart disease. These good fats should be eaten as part of a balanced diet with a variety of foods eaten in moderation.

Myth Busters #4

Myth Busters #4

If Your Not Working Up A Sweat Your Not Working Hard Enough.

I am sure many people have experienced a hot 40 degree day in summer when all you have to do is sit in the sun to start sweating your not even exercising but you are sweating. This is because as opposed to your work rate, sweat is an indication of your body heat, it is your bodies own air conditioning unit to help make sure your core body temperature stays around 37 degrees, it does this through the cooling effect that evaporating the sweat has on your skin. The loss of fluid through sweating is another important reason to drink plenty of water.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Myth Busters #3

Myth Busters #3

If you stop working out, muscle will turn into fat.

Muscle and fat are two distinct tissues that cannot be converted from one to the other. If you stop exercising your muscle tissue will shrink, which means you may feel flabbier. Also, when muscles get smaller they do not need as many calories to function, which means your metabolism slows down, so if you eat the same amount of calories, you may gain body fat.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Myth Busters #2

Myth Busters #2

I need exercises to work my 'lower abs' and reduce my pot belly.

Doing crunches will not help you get a 'six-pack' if there is a layer of fat over your abdominal area. In order the see the muscles, you must first reduce your body fat through exercising well and eating right. For more information about this and some great ab exercises speak to your Revolution personal trainer or visit

Exercises Myth Busters!

This is the first instalment of our Revolution Health & Lifestyle's Myth Busters!

We will be updating this periodically so stay tuned!

Myth Busters #1

If You’re Not Going to Work Out Hard and Often, Exercise Is a Waste of Time.

This kind of thinking keeps a lot of people from maintaining or even starting an exercise program. Research continues to show that any exercise is better than none. For example, regular walking or gardening for as little as an hour a week has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease.

New Trainer Profiles

Hi Everyone,

On Tuesday the 17/06/08 Revolution completed a photo shoot and a round of interviews to update all its trainer profiles.

Stay tuned for when we will go live on our site.


Sunday, June 15, 2008


Hi Everyone,

We are looking to redevelope our website and would love some feed back as to what content you would love to see.

Let us know!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

So you have decided to get fit.

So you have decided to get fit.
What next?

Spring has arrived, the sun is out and like many people you have decided to do something about the extra kilos you put on over winter and start to get into shape for summer. First of all congratulations, making the decision to get in shape is the first step to improving your health and both your physical and psychological wellbeing.
Secondly, where do you start? With so many different varieties of exercise to choose from how do you know which one is best for you and which you are most likely to stick with?
This article will explain some of the most popular exercise techniques to help you make an informed decision on which type of exercise is best for you.

Cardiovascular Training: While the name may sound tricky, this is probably the simplest training method of them all. Popular forms include running, bike riding, walking, swimming and rowing but is not limited to these. Cardiovascular training has virtually no boundaries so long as the activity increases your heart rate and makes you huff and puff that is cardio.

Resistance Training: This is the process of lifting against a resistance, that resistance may come from gravity, your body weight, a partner or an object (i.e. weights). The lifts are performed in a number of sets usually between 1-5, with each set having a number of repetitions usually between 8-15. The aim of resistance training is to increase strength and build muscle. One of the biggest misconceptions about weight training is that it will make even females bulky, this is NOT TRUE unless you have abnormally high testosterone levels or are ingesting absurd quantities of steroids, female cannot bulk up. But the increases in muscle and strength you do get can help you in daily activities as well as increase the amount of calories you burn even when you are sitting on the couch. Just be sure to have a qualified person instruct you on correct technique before commencing a resistance training program.

Boxing: Don’t worry this doesn’t have to involve getting into a ring and having someone beat the stuffing out of you. Boxing is an excellent form of cardiovascular training that is capable of providing a awesome full body workout. The aim of boxing is to punch an object whether it be the air, balls, bags or focus mitts (with a partner). The punching doesn’t need to be powerful. Soft, rapid punches are just as good of a workout. The part of your body most likely to get sore is your arms and shoulders as they are the limbs that are predominantly used for boxing, in order to rest these you may want to consider also performing some kicking exercises on a bag or even some running.

Pilates: This form of exercise has become extremely popular on the last few years. It focuses on improving flexibility and strengthening the overall body. Pilates is not an intense workout but many people especially if you are new to it can find it very strenuous. Most Pilates classes are conducted on mats on the floor using exercises that incorporate stretching for your abdominal, leg, arm and back muscles as well as resistance exercises using gravity and your own body weight to create the resistance. While it is a great strengthening and core conditioning routine it is recommended that to lose weight this is done along with cardiovascular training.

Yoga: This has many similar aspects to Pilates as it requires participants to lay on a mat on the floor and perform a number of different stretches while concentrating on breathing patterns and stretching further. Again it is a fairly gentle form of exercise and should be used in conjunction with other exercise methods for best results, but it is a great way to relax after a hard day.

Bootcamp: Not for the faint hearted, this is a high intensity exercise regime that will leave you physically exhausted at the end of a session. These classes are usually very popular in the lead up to summer but be warned they are designed to bear similarities to army training conditions and push participants to their physical limits. This is great for getting fast result but not something you would include in a long term exercise plan (especially if you don’t like getting yelled at).

Hopefully you are now better informed on a few of the various forms of exercise out there and making a decision on which best suits you and your goals is a little easier. Just remember you are not limited to one form of exercise, combine as many as you like to keep your program fun and get great results.

GOOD LUCK and happy exercising.

Monday, June 9, 2008



Training is all about putting your body in a place that you haven’t been before… Therefore the body needs to overload in order to get the results you need and want! The easiest way to overload the body is to increase your output whist minimizing your input, in simple terms exercise more and eat less.

The quickest and easiest way to strip the fat is to exercise,
undertaking cardiovascular exercise for roughly 40 minute to an hour with an average heart rate of 60-80% Max Heart Rate (220-age= Max HR) will give you an adequate overload. Then completed this 3-4 times a week will increase your energy expenditure giving you a much greater output.
Weight Training will also make a huge difference as it starts to increase your lean muscle mass while the energy expended from this session will be burnt in the recovery process for up to three days post session. This giving you an accelerated effect of fat stripping over a longer period of time. Set yourself up a training program throughout the week with both cardiovascular sessions and weight training sessions all included to ensure that everyday you go to bed you know exactly what is organized for the next day so you can start preparing mentally.
It takes twenty one days o get your body into a routine so get through that initial hard phase now and get the results coming as soon as possible

Eating Healthy and smaller meals during your day will give you reduced levels of input meaning that you have fewer kilojoules to burn before you start getting results. Once again preparation is the key when it comes to your goals, so try and organize your meals for the week on a Sunday afternoon and have some fun with it.
Always have a good breakfast to kick start the metabolism for the day, snacks such as a protein shake or tuna and dry biscuits are always a good alternative for a morning or afternoon as they will keep you going until your main meals at the same time making sure that your metabolism is still ticking over. Having small snacks during the day will also help reduce the size of your main meals as when it comes to meal time your not thinking about how hungry you are, your thinking of what you would enjoy to eat and therefore start to enjoy food rather than eating because you think you are hungry just due to the routine you have always been in.
Drinking lots of water is not just a great source of re-hydration but it can also be used to take your mind off the bad routine of eating ‘junk food’ after your dinner meal. Before you eat at any time, ask yourself if your stomach is hungry or if it is your mind making you feel as though you are hungry due to either a routine you’ve always had, or the advertising genius showing the correct ads at the time of the day that could influence you in to buying a ‘junk’ product from their company of choice.

Whether it’s an increase in output or a decrease in input you need, by making small changes right now you can make a huge difference in your overall goals and results throughout the rest of your life. The key is to be organized so that you have a plan for your week that you can stick to and the best way to stick to this routine is to enjoy it while getting others around you to enjoy the program as well, whilst helping each other out along the way.

These are just some of the ways you can make a difference in your life that will get you heading in the right direction, if you would like more information regarding the article or taking your training to a new level you will find heaps of great ides on our website.

Thursday, June 5, 2008


10 Kick start tips to get you working towards the summer body you are afterHere are ten easy to follow tips to help you start working towards a healthier, happier body and lifestyle. So get started now to be in the shape of your life this summer.
1. Start a food diary - It may surprise you to see exactly how much food you eat in a day. A food diary is also a great way for you to view your meal patterns and it will show what times of the day you are prone to snacking on junk food.
2. Find a training partner or personal trainer - Someone to motivate you and work with you will be a huge factor helping your lifestyle change. With no support it is likely your motivation and good intentions may not last until the Spring racing carnival let alone the summer months - so find someone to push you.
3. Get into a routine and make exercise a habit! - Make exercising part of your daily routine. If exercise is as much part of your life as brushing your teeth then it will be much easier to stick to. But remember forming a habit takes time, so use your training partner to push you when you're starting out.
4. Drink more water - aim for at least over one litre a day. Leave a water bottle on your desk at work or keep one in the car. Water will cleanse your body and keep you healthy.
5. Exercise - Anything is better than nothing at all! If you find it hard to get motivated after work, take your runners with you in the morning and walk in your lunch break.
6. Eat low G.I. - eat simple, unprocessed foods as much as possible. You will feel the difference.
7. Eat fresh - fresh is best, the more foods are processed the more nutrients they will lose through the refining process.
8. Train with out trying - increase the amount of incidental activity you are doing throughout the day. Park a little further away from work so you have to walk the rest of the way and or use the stairs instead of the lift. Easy!
9. Set Goals - having both short term and long term goals for yourself will ensure you are always heading in the right direction. Whether your goals are to run a marathon or drop two dress sizes, always have them in mind when you are exercising. Look at your goals every day to make sure you're moving forward.
10. Stay on track - Even when you start your new healthy lifestyle make sure you stay on track. Other things in your life may get in the way but try and stick to a routine.You'll feel fantastic when you achieve your goals!
And remember... everyone has blow-outs, just don't let that chocolate cake beat you. Get back on track the next day and enjoy your new healthier self.

visit for more information

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Surviving The Winter Blues

Surviving The Winter Blues
Words: Nathan Tieppo, Revolution Health & Lifestyle
10 tips to help keep you going when it gets tough.

Now that the winter chills have truly set in, it can be hard to keep going with an exercise program and you may lack the motivation required to keep at it. Here are a few tips you could try to help keep you motivated.

1. Reassess your fitness goals. Where do you want your fitness to be in six months time? Now is the perfect time to start getting into shape for summer. Exercise plans can typically take around 3 months before your results will really start taking shape and you will be able to notice major differences, if you want to avoid the summer rush start getting focused now. If you stick to it by summer time you should be looking and feeling sensational.
2. Do it with Friends. Having someone right there beside you to keep you going is fantastic motivation. Find a friend with similar goals and make exercise fun, If you are enjoying being active and exercising that is when you are most likely to continue with your program and you will achieve your best results. You could even start an exercise group and use exercise as a catch up time for all your friends, start with a work out and finish with a warm ‘cuppa’.
3. Do it indoors. Stay in the comfort and warmth of a building, if it is to cold to go outside head down to the gym and use a treadmill or bike. If that’s not your thing head down to your local video store and get moving with some aerobics or yoga videos or if you have them a set of stairs can also be a great workout. Or you can just be imaginative, you can make a work out up with ordinary household objects and furniture, all you need to do is remember to be imaginative if your moving and your heart rate is up, it is exercise.
4. Get a Personal Trainer. A good personal trainer can not only guide you with proper exercises and techniques to help you reach your goals. They can be an excellent source of motivation as they will show up for a session even when your feeling lazy and can’t be bothered. They will also be able to provide you with additional information on health and nutrition.
5. Rug up. Stay warm by starting with extra layers of workout gear. As you warm up take items off to make sure you don’t overheat. Just remember to put it all back on when you’re finished to prevent you from catching a cold. Undergarments such as skins / tights and other thermal wear can help to keep your body warm, they will also prevent cold chills by wicking sweat away from your body.
6. Set up a home gym. Having all the equipment available to you at any time you want makes exercise a lot easier to fit in your day. With all the equipment at home staring you in the face it will be hard to make up any excuses. You could also use the time you will be saving to have an extra half an hour in bed rather than get up to go to the gym.
7. Have a warm meal before you start. Something like toast, hot porridge or even coffee before you start can help to provide you with a warm feeling inside that is sure to increase your motivation levels before you get started.
8. Go Shopping. That’s right girls you can use a trip to the shops as exercise, have fun though, you don’t need to work up a sweat just as long as your moving. Any movement is a lot better than none. You can start by finding the parking spot furthest away from the shopping centre entrance.
9. Go to the local pool. It may sound like a crazy idea in the middle of winter but most local swimming pools are indoors, heated and can actually be a warm exercise alternative, whether you want to swim, walk, run or take a water aerobics class. You may just be surprised at how warm the water can be. Afterwards you may also be able to treat yourself to a toasty spa or sauna session.
10. Just do it. Getting up and braving all the hard work and cold weather can seem like a chore. However if you persevere with it, it will all be worth while once you reach your goals and look and feel like a million bucks.

For more fitness and health ideas, check out
If you are planning to embark on a new exercise or eating plan, have a chat with your doctor or relevant health professional first.